Fr Bob Maguire Foundation advocates a “YES” Vote

Fr Bob Maguire Foundation advocates a “YES” Vote

Many Catholic welfare organisations have made public statements in support of the upcoming referendum on the Constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples through a Voice.  Amongst these are ACRATH, CatholicCare Victoria, Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand, Jesuit Social Services, MacKillop Family Services and Sacred Heart Mission. 

A commitment to the outcomes of self-determination along with the reconciling process of walking together are common elements in these statements.  The FBMF has decided to publicly back a “YES” vote because Fr Bob was always emphasising the need for inclusivity and respect for all people especially those who are doing it hard.  This focus continues to guide our work at the Foundation.

Fr Bob understood the importance of community, connection and place. One of his favourite sayings was “nobody should be left behind”.  Since the colonisation of Australia in 1788, First Nations peoples have been left behind.

We believe that a “YES” vote offers an historic opportunity to support justice for First Nations peoples.

As a community organisation we recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Peoples as the First Peoples of Australia. We respect their enduring connection to the land and country and believe reconciliation and a Voice to Parliament and the Executive will be important to create fair and more inclusive relationships.

We are committed to values of respect, equity, inclusiveness and empowerment in our work and in doing so contribute to social justice for First Nations people and all people. 

Together we can build a more equitable society for all Australians by voting “YES”.


Father Bob receives an OA


The Future